Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Estrogen Dominance and Using Essential Oils

Those of us with estrogen dominance need to be very careful of any hormone or hormone mimicking elements that enter our bodies including what essential oils we use.  Our system is already so overloaded with estrogen and our liver is most likely not able to keep up with the flushing of our system from the extra estrogens circulating in our blood.  Your body is already producing its own estrogen and our fat cells as they are burned are releasing more estrogen into our system.  We are also ingesting phyto and Xeno estrogens from our food, beauty products and environment.  The...
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Monday, September 16, 2013

Estrogen Dominance: Phytoestrogens and Xenoestrogens

Anyone stuggling with estrogen dominance has to reduce the amount of estrogens cycling in their system.  If you take a progesterone supplement and all of the receptors are full of estrogen the progesterone can't do its work.  I'm sure you have already heard from your Doctor that if you lose weight your symptoms will get better.  I have heard that quite a few times, however as you all know, when you are estrogen dominant the weight comes off very slowly.  So it is difficult to reduce the amount of estrogen by just cutting down on your fat cells.  So just to be clear,...
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Treating Estrogen Dominance Naturally

Estrogen dominance is a hormonal imbalance effecting many women around the world and is difficult to treat.  Modern medicine offers few solutions and it can be an emotional taxing situation. Some Common Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance include: Thyroid Disfunction (Cold Hands and Feet) Early Onset Menstruation Decreased Sex Drive Excess fat gain around abdomen, hips and thighs Fatigue Gallbladder Issues Infertility Irregular Menstrual Cycles The list can go on so for a more complete listing and description of how the imbalance happens visit Here. I have been struggling with this hormonal...
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Friday, March 29, 2013

Frankincense for Your Eyes

I'm sure many of you are in the same aging boat that I am sailing in.  As I have gotten older my eyesight has declined.  Now I have great vision with no need for glasses, however I have noticed that some things just aren't as sharp as they used to be.  My husband on the other hand struggles with vision mostly due to his computer cubicle job.  That many hours staring at a computer screen has caused him to need glasses and I can see the years tick by as he get thicker lenses. To restore his vision he has tried several things: 1. Pinhole Glasses:  You may have seen these...
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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Incurable People: In God's Timing

According to Laree Westover in her book Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies there are no incurable diseases only incurable people. The fourth type of incurable person is: Someone whose "time has come."  We are not supposed to live forever in this world, nor are we meant to  be completely free of trials and troubles. As natural healers we often get so caught up in what remedy to use, rather it is herbal or essential oil, that we may neglect to consider the spiritual side of healing.  We are tri-partate beings after God's own image.  Just as He is Father, Son and Holy...
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